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Varou: Hrafna
The fire had
fallen to embering coals
At the hearth
of the hall of Varou.
Pale dawn
light found the chinks in the shutters
And crept 'pon
the slumbering crew.
Varou's dozing
ears pricked up from their rest
At the faint
sound of mighty wings beating.
He hauled
himself up to his feet with a sigh,
And trod
through the hall to give greeting.
All 'pon a
sudden the great door burst open,
Before half of
the hall he had made.
In a trice
were his crew all arisen and snarling,
Each reaching
for bludgeon or blade.
“Easy now
lads,” sneered wolven Varou,
“For this
dawning has rendered us blessed.
For reasons,
no doubt, that are urgent and grim,
A valkyr has
roused from her nest.”
Over the
threshold the valkyrie strode,
And into the
hall of Varou.
She took in
the chewed bones and pools of spilled ale,
Then regarded
the Cur and his crew.
Fine were her
features, yet gaunted and stern.
Her fathomless
eyes were full-black.
She shook out
her wings, oil-black feather'd,
That rose from
her great muscled back.
The valkyrie
wore a succession of hooks,
That hung from
a harness of chain.
Its links had
been forged from the souls that she chose
From the ranks
of the battlefield slain.
She was
Hrafna, the Raven of War.
Great Odin she
loyally served.
She carried
his word across all the nine worlds,
And his
vengeance, when such was deserved.
“How it pains
me to quit from the heights of Valhalla,
And stoop to
this ale-sop hall.
Your descent
from your honour continues apace,
But forsooth
'tis a short way to fall.
Orders I bring
from a father,
To his
faithless and dissolute son.
Reluctant am I
for to treat with your like,
Yet the
Spear-Shaker's will shall be done.
The Moonsong
has echoed the Westerland gorges.
savageries rise in the high Hackled Moor.
The Black Cub
of Fenrir has howled for the banners;
The packs of
King Lugvann make muster for war.
From Thüle,
the white Varulfuren are sailing,
Cleaving the
spume of the whale-road's track,
To join up
their might with the Westerland Vargrmen,
snarling and hot for attack.
My Lord Odin
decrees that this challenge be answer'd,
To oil the
spear-shaft, and hone at the sword,
To strap tight
the war-board and shrug on the mail,
To saddle the
wave-horse that snorts in the fjord.
All-Father's chosen come roaring from Valhöll;
His undying
Einherjar girded for battle,
And the Royal
White Dragon has sent forth Old Ochs,
Who comes with
his horn-tossing horde of white cattle.
All this has
occurred as you cower here quaffing,
As you gorge
and carouse with your spew-spattered crew,
So douse your
dolt skull in an icy-rimed bucket.
You sail for
war with no further ado.”
snarled Varou, “The Grave Lord commands,
And in my
response he shall not find a lack.
Now away to my
father, announce of our coming.
Snare wind
'neath those pinions that sprout from your back.”
He turned to
his crew, “The Raven has croaked.
We'll sweep
oar for slaughter, pull hard for the harrow,
For I am
Ulfhednar, the Child of Rage,
And I am to
wolfman as she to the sparrow.
Come my bears,
my mighty-thewed monstrous berserkir,
Your muzzles
shall drench red in Varulfur gore.
Sharpen your
tusks, my boar-head Svinfylking,
Your swathe to
the Vargrmen starts at the shore.”
To the Peryton
hied they, combat-caparisoned;
Paragons each,
of war-mongering beast,
Planning the
vex they would make 'pon the wolfmen,
And picking
their teeth of the yesternight's feast.
For a day they
made way 'pon a north-westing whale-road,
By a brash
autumn guster that billowed the sail.
When the
squall came a-screaming, they bent to the rowlocks,
And squinted
their eyes 'gainst the cold, stinging hail.
The squall, it
was old now and heavy with spite.
With crackling
lashes it whipped at the waves,
Bidding them
plunge down with oar-snapping fury,
And hurl
Varou's crew to their watery graves.
They shook out
their sinews and pulled up to war speed,
Heaving their
way to the storm's swirling eye.
Varou drew his
longaxe and leapt to the prow,
disdain at the roiling sky.
“Think you to
cast us to Njord's briny locker?
Those who have
tried, no tales can tell.
You shall not
drown us squall, for we are the drowners,
Blessed by
Kuthulu who sleeps 'neath the swell.
Flee foolish
squall, ere my wrath further waxes,
And I swing
the Hew at your sizzling heart.
Her blade was
deep-forged by the Sons of Ivaldi.
T'will trouble
her scarcely to hack you apart.”
The Peryton hauled
to a freshening wind
As the sun
wester'd red and the clouds shrank away.
They rounded
the rocks at the End of the Land,
And steered to
the Pole Star as dusk slew the day.
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